Thursday, January 28, 2016

6 Reasons You Need More Sleep

What is the one thing we all need more of? Sleep! Sleep is necessary for survival; it allows our body to recover after working all day. While we are sleeping the nervous system becomes relatively inactive, our five senses get a much needed break, the muscles relax, and consciousness is practically suspended. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Methods of Walking

Sometimes even knowing benefits of exercise isn’t enough motivation to actually get out of your house and do it.  Doing the same 30 minute walk or cardio routine each day can become tedious and boring.  In a recent blog, I discussed the benefits of walking.  I shared that during a thirty-minute walk you are:
  •  Strengthening your heart
  •  Burning at least 150 calories
  • Toning muscles
  • Reducing risk of dementia by 40%
  • Boosting your vitamin levels
  • Wakes you up
  • Makes you happy 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tummy Issues? Try a Massage

It may be an embarrassing and even a gross topic but I know everyone has dealt with digestive issues at some point in their lives.  Whether it be reflux, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or something more serious like colitis or cancer.  No matter how many healthy choices you make, when deciding what you put into your body, you can still have issues with your digestive system.