When it comes to walking for good health, most
of us have good intentions. I can relate because I’ve had spurts where I start
a good routine of walking. I physically feel better and feel a sense of
accomplishment after my walks and then life happens which leads to excuses that
I’m too busy and stop. It’s something I know almost all my friends deal with, I think I will go on a walk today….but:
- I have had a long day
- I am tired
- I need to run an errand
- It’s getting dark outside
Heart Health
Walking is a great cardio exercise that lowers
levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol).
Controlling cholesterol levels is important in maintain your blood pressure. According
to The Stroke Association, a brisk thirty minute walk every day helps prevent
stroke and reduces the risk of stroke up to 27%. Want a stronger heart? Walk!
Lose Weight
In addition to a healthy diet, adding thirty
minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can help you burn about 150
calories a day! The more intense your walk, the more calories you burn. Walking
is not only great for weight loss, walking can tone up your legs, tummy, and
behind. Simple adjustment to your posture and you can tone your abs, so
remember to keep your back straight!
Bikini and six pack abs, here we come!
Prevent Dementia
If you are older in age, walking six miles or
more per week can reduce brain shrinkage and preserve memory as years pass.
Dementia affects one in fourteen over the age of sixty-five and one in six over
the age of eighty. For any age, a daily twenty-minute walk cuts the risk of
future dementia by 40%. Daily walks help keep healthy people healthy and help
protect patients with degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson's and
Alzheimer's, from experiencing further symptoms, such as tremors, motor
impairments, dementia, and memory loss.
Boosts Vitamin D
Being outdoors in general will boost your
Vitamin D intake. Vitamin D affects important things like bone health and our
immune system. It can also fight against mood disorders such as anxiety and
depression. Walking is a great way to get your daily Vitamin D fix.
Increase in Energy
Do you ever get home from work and feel so tired
that you could go to sleep and not wake until the next morning? But then you
feel riddled with guilt because you have other tasks you need to accomplish
before hitting the pillow for the night? Go for a walk! A brisk walk is one of
the best natural energizers around. It boosts circulation and increases your
oxygen supply which helps you feel more alert and awake. Ever get tired after
lunch and dread clocking back in after your lunch break? Taking an afternoon
stroll around the office can help boost your energy, clear your mind and help
you accomplish more in the afternoon.
Smile and be Happy
Exercise improves your mood. A walk can be just
as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression by
releasing feel-good endorphin's while reducing stress.
For positive mental health, walking is a must.
Within 5 minutes of cardio exercise, you will
feel a smile forming. Increasing body strength and improving your cardio
fitness makes life feel easier. Unloading groceries won’t be such a hassle on
your body and getting on the floor to play with your kiddos won’t be such a
chore to your joints. In return, your life will be more joyful.
Let’s Recap
During a thirty-minute walk you are:
- Strengthening your heart
- Burning at least 150 calories
- Toning muscles
- Reducing risk of dementia by 40%
- Boosting your vitamin levels
- Wakes you up
- Makes you happy
These benefits are enough motivation that I am
already planning daily walks into my calendar! Make sure to drink plenty of
water when walking and remember to pace yourself. Overdoing it can increase
your risk of soreness, injury, or burnout. It’s time to lace and pace!
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