Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Greatest Journey (Part 1)

I spent eighteen years working as a supplemental health insurance agent. To be more specific, I sold heart disability and accident policies. I loved dealing with people and providing them with something that helped them during their time of need. It’s safe to say that I was satisfied during that period of time in my life.

Then one day I injured my knee so badly I could not walk, and the injury was very slow to heal. I ran into an old friend who just so happened to know about massage, not just any type of massage, he specialized in Chinese work. I was shocked at how massage this form of massage treated my injury. That chance meeting led to my healing and changed my life. I decided that I wanted to help people in a different way. I decided to sign up for massage classes and began my journey to becoming a massage therapistin the Chinese healing arts.

Going Back to School

I learned real fast that massage is an amazing science. Learning the principles and practice of massage therapy was not easy. In massage therapy school our book learning consisted of learning anatomy, physiology of muscles and ethics while continuing to work full time. Massage school was both mentally and physically taxing.

What got me through was my excitement and desire to physically help heal people and relieve them of their pain through this remarkable vehicle.

What to Practice

There are several areas of massage that I learned in school. I knew that I wanted to work with people that suffered from chronic pain. I did not want to open or work at a day spa; I wanted to approach massage from a medical point of view. Not the weserne point of view, but from the view point that everything is connected.

In the early years of opening my studio, I offered several forms of massage that included Swedish, hot rocks, and Anma. As I worked with a mentor and began to improve my skills with Anma massage therapy, I realized it was the most effective form of massage for me.

My Travels

Recently, I decided to go to Phoenix for a ten-day seminar to learn more about Anma. Phoenix was an incredible journey. I made some wonderful friends, learned, practiced and improved my Anma massage skills. In my blogs to follow, I am going to discuss more about Anma massage, share pictures and what I learned while I was in Phoenix.

Next month I will share more about my travels to Phoenix.

Monday, August 8, 2016

4 Ways You Can Beat the Heat

I don’t have to tell you how hot it gets here in Louisiana. It’s not just the summertime heat we need to beat, our hot days start as early as March and can often extend into the holiday season. We have to stay conscious on ways to stay healthy and hydrated.

Drink More

It’s important to stay hydrated, especially once your body begins to sweat. Many of my clients do not like to drink plain water. You don’t have to drink water in order to stay hydrated. Try drinking the sports drinks in place of water, just remember to watch your sugar intake with the sports drinks. Another option is to add some flavoring to your water.

If you are looking for ideas on how to enhance your water, here are a few tips and recipes:

Control the Sweat

If you are prone to excessive sweating, you may want to take your workouts indoors or cut back on some of your activities. Making small changes, such as wearing breathable cotton clothes can help keep you cooler. Getting a massage can help keep your muscles active and improve your flexibility if you need to cut back on your workouts until the weather cools down a little bit.

Eat Cooler Foods

Eating cooler foods such as summer salads and cold soups. Cooking heats up your house and eating hot meals can raise your body temperature and make you sweat. Two other types of foods you may need to cut back on and monitor is your salt intake and super spicy foods.

Drinking milk, eating fruits such as avocados, plums, grapes, peaches and mangos are great for cooling you off. Veggies that keep you healthy and cool are asparagus, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, broccoli, green leafy veggies, zucchini and green beans. Here are a few recipes from my friend and integrative health coach Angie B. LeBlanc:

Super Cold Drinks

This tip may surprise you, but you are better off avoiding super cold drinks. Drinking ice water with your meal can often lower your body temperature and slow down your digestive system. When your digestive system slows down, it takes longer for your body to rehydrate.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Why You Need an Anma Massage

There are many different types of massage; some forms help to relieve pain and others are more relaxation spa-oriented. Essentially, all forms of massage stem from the oldest practice known as Anma massage which it’s estimated to be in practice for five thousand years, but there is no written proof dating back past three thousand years.
Anma is my preferred method and find it helps the majority of clients get relief from chronic pain, injuries, surgery and fatigue.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Tired of Being Negative? Here is How You Can Turn that Frown Upside Down!

Have you been feeling pressure or snapping at those around you lately? Impatience and frustration are often caused by stress hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine. The brain releases the hormones based on our heart rates and blood pressure.
One way to help reign in the feelings of anxiety is to learn how to think positive. I know it’s easier said than done, but practice also makes perfect!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Long Term Effects of Fatigue

If you are living a fast-paced, caffeine-fueled lifestyle, it may be time to slow down and rethink what energizes you. Are you ending your workday feeling exhausted every day? Exhaustion is not just a physical feeling; extreme tiredness can also impact your health. The first step in recovering from fatigue is to learn how to get some rest!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Do You Plan on Aging Gracefully or Fight It All the Way?

Let’s face it, you can’t fight the calendar but there are ways you can age gracefully. We are living longer but are not necessarily living better. There are ways you can minimize chronic pain as you age. I am going to outline a few tips for you to follow and the best part is you can easily get started today!

Quick Tips

Here are a few tips that you can easily work into your daily routine:

Friday, April 1, 2016

Pillow Talk

My clients always ask for advice on several topics in regards to how they can maintain their body after they leave my studio. One of the most commonly asked questions is what type of pillow they should sleep on. A good night’s sleep is critical to your overall physical and mental health. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How Foam Rollers Relieve Muscle Tension

As much as I love it when clients come in to visit, I know it’s not possible to visit your massage therapist every day. Sometimes, muscle tension can be chronic and you need to find some relief in between visits. I like to recommend foam rollers as a great form of self-massage.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What Was I Thinking?

Ever walk into a room and think, “Why did I come in here?” or have you ever been half way through a sentence and completely forget what you are talking about? I know the answer is yes! If you are saying no, then you probably forgot the incident ever happened. Don’t worry you are not losing your mind. I did some research and found a few simple exercises and tips to all of us improve our memory function.


Maintaining a healthy diet helps promote strong your memory function. Antioxidants from foods such as:
  • Broccoli
  • Nuts
  • Blueberries, Cranberries, and Strawberries
  • Brewed Coffee (but not too much)

All of the above help promote the production of new brain cells. As we age, our cell production tends to slow down, so it’s important to eat foods rich in antioxidants and promote new cell growth.
Also, increase your omega-3 fat intake is also great for brain health and can be found in the sea.

·         Salmon
·         Tuna (fresh not canned!)
·         Mackerel
·         Trout
·         Oysters

Not a fan of seafood? Then get your omega-3 from eggs, margarine, milk, soy milk or yogurt.


Exercise stimulates and allows your nerve cells to release proteins and other chemicals that increase cognitive skills that affect learning. You don’t have to have a hardcore high impact workouts. Find a form of physical activity that works for you. Start by walking for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I promise you will notice a difference by the end of the week.

I personally love to swim and started swimming laps on a regular basis. Some health insurance companies offer health club benefits. You may be able to join for just a few extra dollars a month or for free!

Focus… Focus… Focus

Stop multitasking and focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is distracting, slows you down and makes you prone to make mistakes. Did you know that your brain needs 8 seconds in front of information before committing it to memory? If you are constantly jumping from one task to another your brain is not able to retain the constant bytes of information.

Try to be mindful of what you are doing, you will be surprised at how clear your thoughts will become. If you find yourself multitasking, stop immediately! Pick one task and commit to finishing it. Your brain will thank you for it.

Related Articles:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sitting for Good Health

Sitting for Good Health

Technology in a lot of ways has made our lives easier, but it has also played a role in us developing unhealthy lifestyles. Over the years, several of us have developed sedentary habits that such as spending hours behind a desk or on the couch watching TV or on our smartphones. There are serious repercussions that come from sitting for extended periods of time. Long extended periods of sitting is not only bad for your back, it’s also bad for your circulation, bones and muscles.


It’s important that your workstation fits your body properly. You should be able to sit back in your chair all the way with your feet touching the floor. Sitting all the way back in your chair means your back is getting much-needed support. Your computer monitor should be eye level, looking down or up at your monitor can lead to neck problems and pain. Position your monitor approximately 2 to 3 inches above your seated eye level. This small adjustment can work wonders for your neck.
Admittedly, ergonomic furniture can be expensive but the health benefits make it a worthy investment. Ergonomic chairs and keyboards help minimize pain and discomfort and help your body maintain natural positions. I personally, don’t have an issue with this, but if your feet have trouble reaching the floor, invest in a foot rest. Some of them swivel to encourage the flow of circulation while sitting.

Move Around and A Take Stand

Sitting too much is bad for your circulation. Set a timer and periodically get up and do some stretching exercises. Lack of circulation leads to heart disease and strokes, it’s critical that you keep your blood flowing. Station items in your office in areas that force you to move around. I have one client that keeps her trash can and dry erase board in a separate room. This forces her to stand up and move around because not everything is within arms-reach.
I have also seen desk extensions that allow you to stand up while working at your desk. Standing allows your blood to flow through your body which helps to improve your neurological function. Moving around and standing helps improve your memory and helps you keep a clear head while you work. Here are a few recommended exercises you can easily do at work:
  • Shoulder shrugs 
  • Calf Raises
  • Touch your toes 
  • Stand up and sit down for 10 repetitions 
  • Clench and unclench your fists 
  • Torso twist

Getting a massage on a regular basis is good for your bone health, muscles health and circulation. A little movement now goes a long way towards a healthy and pain free lifestyle.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Healthy Myths Busted

There are all kinds of health and wellness myths we are taught during our childhood. Going into adulthood, we just took what mom and dad told us as true. These myths that we grew up on, eventually become do’s and don’ts for us to follow throughout our lives.

Do any of these bring back memories:
  • Always wear a coat so you won’t catch a cold.
  • Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.
  • Never swim immediately after eating.
  • Swallow a watermelon seed and a watermelon will grow in your stomach

Well, I decided to do some research to find out what we were taught growing up is just a myth and what is true.

Being Cold Gives You a Cold

Remember your mom yelling out to you, “Come inside before you catch a cold”? I don’t often say this, but mom was wrong. Spending too much time in the cold air doesn’t make you sick. One study found that healthy men who spent several hours in temperatures just above freezing had an increase in healthy, virus-fighting activity in their immune systems.

In fact, you’re more likely to get sick indoors, where germs are easily passed. So instead of covering yourself in thick coats while outdoors, be more mindful about covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze when indoors.

Cracking Your Joints Causes Arthritis

It’s a habit many have; popping your knuckles or cracking your neck for relief. The sound might annoy people around you, but that’s about all the harm it does. The popping noise is a gas bubble that forms between the joints and eventually bursts. Studies show it doesn’t cause or play a role in arthritis. But, if you feel regular or severe pain when you pop your knuckles or crack your neck, see your doctor.

Drinking Coffee is Unhealthy

Good news my coffee loving friends, coffee is healthy! Although many health critics tell you to avoid coffee consumption due negative side effects of too much caffeine, they tend to leave out the benefits that coffee can bring to your body:
     Lowered risk of depression
     Lowered risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
     Studies show coffee drinkers live longer than non-coffee drinkers
     Loaded with antioxidants, outranking most fruits and vegetables

What can make coffee unhealthy is loading it with fancy creams and sugars. As always, enjoy in moderation.

Don’t Sleep After a Concussion

Concussions are indeed dangerous and can be scary if ever experienced. But don’t be fooled by the myth that you can’t sleep after getting a concussion. A recent study shows that it is safe to go to sleep after getting concussed, as long as you aren’t showing any other signs of trauma, such as slurred speech, numbness, persistent vomiting, or dilated pupils. All head injuries should be evaluated by a doctor, but for mild concussions that don’t show any other symptoms, sleep can help you recover a little bit quicker.

Wait an Hour After Eating Before You Swim

This myth has ruined many summer pool parties for kids for years. Recently, I learned that it's simply not true. An episode of someone drowning because of a full stomach has never been medically documented.

There is a possibility that you could develop cramps while swimming with a full stomach, but a person swimming in a pool or controlled swimming area could easily exit the water if this happens. As with any exercise after eating, swimming right after a big meal might be uncomfortable, but it should not lead to drowning. 

Myth busting is a lot of fun. I’m still not sure if I’m going to tell my momma she has been wrong all these years. What are some quirky old wives tales you were told growing up that you’ve been able to bust? 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

How Massage Helps You Lose Weight

As I scroll through social media, over half the posts I often see are about weight loss products. Weight loss is more than just appetite suppression. Establishing a life style change that includes making healthier daily choices with what you eat, how active you are, and consistency with your choices is the best way to get and stay fit.

Did you know massage can help promote weight loss? Massage therapy may not be the first weight loss aid that pops into your head but I can assure you, it absolutely can help! Massage is the manual stimulation of tissues, muscles, and circulation of a body. With massage, you can:
     Increase circulation
     Flush out toxins
     Relieve stress and anxiety
     Stimulate bowels and intestines

All these work hand in hand resulting in weight loss.  Whether you are just starting your weight loss journey or you’ve lost your goal weight and you wish to maintain your new body, massage therapy can assist in your journey.

Increased Circulation

Massage improves your circulatory system by helping your blood flow through your body more smoothly.  When your circulation is flowing properly, your muscles receive nutrients they need to work better.  In turn, when your muscles are fully functioning due to proper circulation you will experience improved energy levels and exercise won’t result in dread and pain. After exercise, vital nutrients must be supplied to your muscles so they can recover and rebuild. Massage maximizes the supply of these nutrients and oxygen though increased blood flow, which helps the muscles to grow and burn more calories as a result.

Flush Out Toxins

Improving your circulatory system also helps flush out toxins within your body. Flushing out toxins is great for overall fat loss because many of the toxins that are flushed out are attributed to fat accumulation. Massage aids in the acceleration of removing the toxins by improving your circulatory system.

Stimulate Bowels

In a recent blog, I discussed how massage helps resolve digestive issues. If you experience digestive issues, you know that it unfortunately can sometimes induce weight gain because of bloating or impacted bowels.  The good news is that massage can help stimulate the small and large intestines and colon causing the waste inside of you, to release naturally.  Once you are able to empty your bowels, you may feel lighter and cleaner and it may even result in losing a few pounds.  The more regular your digestive system works, the more success you’ll have at weight loss.

Abdominal massage also brings the following benefits that all aid in weight loss:
     Increased Metabolism
     Increased Antioxidants
     Flush out and neutralize toxins
     Greater release of enzymes that break down food throughout the body
     Relaxes tension in the muscles surrounding the colon

Added Benefits of Massage

Massage therapy offers many health benefits in addition to aiding in weight loss such as:
     Lowers blood pressure
     Improves range of motion and flexibility
     Relaxes muscles

     Strengthens the immune system

Thursday, January 28, 2016

6 Reasons You Need More Sleep

What is the one thing we all need more of? Sleep! Sleep is necessary for survival; it allows our body to recover after working all day. While we are sleeping the nervous system becomes relatively inactive, our five senses get a much needed break, the muscles relax, and consciousness is practically suspended. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Methods of Walking

Sometimes even knowing benefits of exercise isn’t enough motivation to actually get out of your house and do it.  Doing the same 30 minute walk or cardio routine each day can become tedious and boring.  In a recent blog, I discussed the benefits of walking.  I shared that during a thirty-minute walk you are:
  •  Strengthening your heart
  •  Burning at least 150 calories
  • Toning muscles
  • Reducing risk of dementia by 40%
  • Boosting your vitamin levels
  • Wakes you up
  • Makes you happy 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tummy Issues? Try a Massage

It may be an embarrassing and even a gross topic but I know everyone has dealt with digestive issues at some point in their lives.  Whether it be reflux, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or something more serious like colitis or cancer.  No matter how many healthy choices you make, when deciding what you put into your body, you can still have issues with your digestive system.