Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chronic Pain? Try a Massage

Nearly 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. The National Institutes of Health refers to chronic pain as being a ‘silent epidemic’. The medical community focuses on treating chronic pain with prescription drugs. Medications can provide some relief however, you can also find relief using natural methods practiced with Anma massage.

Anma massage releases serotonin, which is the body’s natural production of pain relief chemicals. Getting a massage on a regular basis helps reduce pain and will greatly increase your quality of life. Here are some common chronic pain issues that most Americans suffer from and how massage can help:

Back Pain

Most attacks of acute lower back pain are due to muscle strain. Muscle strain is typically caused from:
  •  Lifting Heavy Objects
  • Overuse of Muscles
  • Sudden Movements 
  • Falling

Strains cause inflammation and spasms, if left untreated or not treated properly you may cause further damage to your back.

Massage improves blood circulation which aids in recovery from muscle soreness and strain. Massage also produces improved range of motion which helps the muscles work more efficiently and improves overall strength in an effort to prevent further injury or pain.


Arthritis is most commonly found in joints like your knees and wrists because it is typically related to wear and tear on your cartilage. Of the 46 million Americans that suffer from arthritis, half admit that arthritis limits their daily activity.

Massage stimulates your blood flow and nutrients under your skin and tissues. The stimulation helps break the cycle of pain and stress associated arthritis. Symptoms of arthritis include stiffness, limited range of motion and trouble gripping objects. Massage helps to relieve these symptoms improving your range of motion and returning your ability to open jars

Nerve Damage

An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from nerve damage. Nerve damage is caused by a number of underlying issues like cancer, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, kidney disease, injuries, and much more. Symptoms can include weakness, numbness, tingling, and burning which lead to chronic pain. Massage in the areas affected by nerve damage improves circulation, stimulates non-damaged nerves, and relieves pain.

Although massage is not a cure; it greatly improves muscle and joint function, helps you get a more restful sleep, and is a natural stress relief. There are several massage techniques that can help with any area of pain, I can help you determine which is best for your body.

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