Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to Knock Out the Knots

Do you know what is happening when you tense up too much? Your neck, back and shoulders are trying to tell you something when those tiny painful nodules form. Those that are most at risk are those that overuse their muscles or have a sedentary lifestyle. There are treatments and prevention options for those of you that suffer from chronic pain caused by knots. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to Relieve Sore Muscles After a Massage

I am often asked why people tend to feel sore a day or two after a massage. Sometimes you will feel sore because getting a massage is similar to exercising. If you haven’t worked out in a while, you will be sore the next day. The same goes for getting a massage. During a massage, the massage therapist is working on muscles that are not use to working out.

Massage also releases toxins from your muscles. Releasing these toxins relieve your muscles but can also leave them sore. Some soreness is normal, your muscles just need some time to recover.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How Essential Oils Help the Mind, Body and Spirit

Essential Oils impact our moods and emotions. That is why they are an important tool for massage therapists since each oil possess its own healing power. Essential oils are considered the soul of the plants and we absorb their properties through respiratory or the skin. How do you determine which essential oil can help you?