Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is Best Friend

Invented in 5000 BC, apple cider vinegar went from a medicinal liquid to a pantry staple.  Apple cider vinegar was used to manage wounds, treat poison ivy, relieve stomach aches, and even aided with symptoms related to diabetes.  Over time, the vinegar evolved into something we use almost daily with our favorite food recipes.  In present day, vinegar is still used for the same medical benefits, cooking, household chores, and more!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Massage Bringing Light to Darkness

It's estimated that 70% of adult Americans have suffered from trauma severe enough that it resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Deeply distressing or disturbing experiences lead to trauma and can take a toll both physically and emotionally on an individual. 

Fortunately, there is hope and help for those who suffer from PTSD.  There are two forms of therapy that can greatly improve the mind, body, and soul of someone affected; talk therapy and massage therapy.  These therapies work together hand in hand to give light in a situation that feels dark. 

Typical symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can include:

  • Flashbacks and Nightmares
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • A Feeling of Detachment or Distance
  • Chronic Pain or Fatigue

Multiple Levels of Treatment

Massage is one of several successful treatments you can seek for PTSD. The overall goal in massage treatment for PTSD is to help you become safely embodied within yourself. Massage teaches clients safe and effective ways of self-soothing and stress management.

People who have been traumatized are no longer at home in their bodies. While working in conjunction with talk therapy, massage therapy can address the fear and mistrust that is encoded into your body.

How Massage Helps

Massage boosts serotonin levels in your body, creating positive emotions that result in stress relief, a clear mind, and rest. Massage guides your body into healthier mood management allowing access to suppressed emotions.  

Studies have shown that even 15 minutes of moderate pressure makes you feel:
  • Energized
  • At Ease
  • Decreased Stress
  • Boosts your Immune System

Once you are able to relax through massage, you will exhibit signs of getting better by:
  • Circulation Improving
  • Sleep Patterns Return to Normal
  • In General Feeling More Relaxed
  • Speak More Freely During Talk Therapy Sessions

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bored with Water? Add Some Flavor!

In a recent blog, I discussed the benefits of drinking water. I discussed how water helps with fluid balance, improves kidney function, clears skin, and helps control calorie intake.  However, several people shared with me that they get bored with water and crave flavor.  You may be surprised to know that adding fruit and veggies to your water can not only help your taste buds but adds to the ever growing list of benefits of drinking water. Adding a few slices of whole fruits and vegetables heightens minerals and vitamins that our bodies can easily and quickly consume. It's also so delicious that we may find ourselves tricking our mind into drinking more water than we have in the past.

Infusing Flavor

Spas around the world serve outrageously expensive infused water to their guests. The great news is that you don’t have to go to a fancy spa to enjoy those same benefits and pretty beverages, you can create your own in the comfort of your home. Creating healthy and delicious, vitamin infused water is inexpensive and economically friendly. Infusing water is as simple as adding your favorite fruit or veggie slices to your water before drinking. Popular water infusions include: cucumber, mint, basil and citrus fruits. But feel free to use your imagination to produce a flavor to suit you!

When you add your favorite fruits, veggies, and herbs to water seal it in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before enjoying so that the fruit and veggies have time to release their nutrients into the water. For the best results make sure you are using purified or spring water to avoid the intake of contaminants. You can also make your own infused ice-cubes. Use the ice cubes when you can’t wait 30 minutes for a nice cool drink, just simply add them to a glass of water for an instantly healthy, refreshing and tasty drink.

Benefits Galore

There are endless benefits of not only drinking plain water, but infusing your water.  Here are some benefits of the most common water infusing ingredients.


Cucumber is not only cool and refreshing when snacking but when added to water the benefits include:
  •  Increases hydration resulting in increased energy levels
  • Vitamins A and C
  • Helps regulate blood pressure
  • Contains silica which contributes to the growth and maintenance of connective tissue throughout your body
  • Promotes healthy skin


Fresh mint is an herb that is super easy to grow. Adding mint to your water will:
  • Promote healthy digestion
  • Quickly ease headache and nausea
  • Assists in clearing nose, throat, and chest congestion
  • Natural stimulant - can boost your mood and energizes
  • Freshens breath, with a natural germicide that promotes oral health


Basil is another herb that is easy to grow. When not in season, you can easily freeze for year round use. Benefits of basil include:
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Acts as an anti stress agent
  • Vitamin A which leads to improved vision
  • Decreased acne - the oil on basil leaves help clear bacteria from pores
  • Improved kidney function

Combinations to Try

To get the most flavor and health benefits, try these combinations to mix it up a bit!

Orange, Lemon, Ginger

Oranges aid with healthy blood circulation.
Lemons help aid digestion and freshen breath.
Ginger is a notorious immune system booster.

Cucumber, Raspberry, Grape

Cucumber is hydrating and flushes out toxins.
Raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties.
Grapes contain cancer-fighting and cleansing compounds.

Rhubarb, Apple, Cinnamon

Rhubarb contains vitamin K to help with blood clotting.
Apples have a slew of benefits including maintaining bone and tissue health.
Cinnamon is one of the most efficient boosters of metabolism.

Strawberry and Lime

Strawberries are jam-packed with antioxidants.
Limes are an excellent anti-aging weapon due to its restorative properties for hair, skin, and nails.

Pineapple and Mint

Pineapple is an anti-inflammatory that helps relieve joint pain and arthritis.
Mint supports the digestive system by activating salivary glands and digestive enzymes.

No Excuses!

Even though excuses can be an easy habit to form when it comes to health, with these fun alternatives to boring water you have no more excuses!  I challenge you to make drinking water an everyday priority. And I encourage you to infuse your water with fresh ingredients to make it more enjoyable. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lace Up Your Sneakers… Let’s Walk!

When it comes to walking for good health, most of us have good intentions. I can relate because I’ve had spurts where I start a good routine of walking. I physically feel better and feel a sense of accomplishment after my walks and then life happens which leads to excuses that I’m too busy and stop. It’s something I know almost all my friends deal with, I think I will go on a walk today….but:
  • have had a long day
  • I am tired
  • I need to run an errand
  • It’s getting dark outside
The list of excuses continues to grow and the light of inspiration is diminished. I made a list of benefits will help keep all of us motivated and stop with the excuses. Lace up your sneakers…Ready… Set… Go!

Heart Health

Walking is a great cardio exercise that lowers levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol). Controlling cholesterol levels is important in maintain your blood pressure. According to The Stroke Association, a brisk thirty minute walk every day helps prevent stroke and reduces the risk of stroke up to 27%. Want a stronger heart? Walk!

Lose Weight

In addition to a healthy diet, adding thirty minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can help you burn about 150 calories a day! The more intense your walk, the more calories you burn. Walking is not only great for weight loss, walking can tone up your legs, tummy, and behind. Simple adjustment to your posture and you can tone your abs, so remember to keep your back straight!

Bikini and six pack abs, here we come!

Prevent Dementia

If you are older in age, walking six miles or more per week can reduce brain shrinkage and preserve memory as years pass. Dementia affects one in fourteen over the age of sixty-five and one in six over the age of eighty. For any age, a daily twenty-minute walk cuts the risk of future dementia by 40%. Daily walks help keep healthy people healthy and help protect patients with degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, from experiencing further symptoms, such as tremors, motor impairments, dementia, and memory loss.  

Boosts Vitamin D

Being outdoors in general will boost your Vitamin D intake. Vitamin D affects important things like bone health and our immune system. It can also fight against mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Walking is a great way to get your daily Vitamin D fix.

Increase in Energy

Do you ever get home from work and feel so tired that you could go to sleep and not wake until the next morning? But then you feel riddled with guilt because you have other tasks you need to accomplish before hitting the pillow for the night? Go for a walk! A brisk walk is one of the best natural energizers around. It boosts circulation and increases your oxygen supply which helps you feel more alert and awake. Ever get tired after lunch and dread clocking back in after your lunch break? Taking an afternoon stroll around the office can help boost your energy, clear your mind and help you accomplish more in the afternoon.

Smile and be Happy

Exercise improves your mood. A walk can be just as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression by releasing feel-good endorphin's while reducing stress.

For positive mental health, walking is a must.

Within 5 minutes of cardio exercise, you will feel a smile forming. Increasing body strength and improving your cardio fitness makes life feel easier. Unloading groceries won’t be such a hassle on your body and getting on the floor to play with your kiddos won’t be such a chore to your joints. In return, your life will be more joyful.

Let’s Recap

During a thirty-minute walk you are:
  • Strengthening your heart
  • Burning at least 150 calories
  • Toning muscles
  • Reducing risk of dementia by 40%
  • Boosting your vitamin levels
  • Wakes you up
  • Makes you happy 

These benefits are enough motivation that I am already planning daily walks into my calendar! Make sure to drink plenty of water when walking and remember to pace yourself. Overdoing it can increase your risk of soreness, injury, or burnout. It’s time to lace and pace!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Feeling Stressed? 5 Ways to Unwind!

The top three causes of stress are pressure from work, financial problems, health problems. Stress occurs when you are faced with mental or emotional strains that often leads to physical and mental symptoms. Unfortunately, our culture accepts stress as a normal way of life. It is my mission to let everyone know, life doesn't have to be that way!

Take action!

Stress affects us because we let it. Now it is time to take action and start to live a healthier lifestyle. We all handle stress differently some keep everything bottled up inside and silently suffer the impacts of depression. Others tense up so much they develop knots in their neck and back and live with the pain. There are several ways you can manage your stress through physical activity, diet and positive distractions.

1. Make a Playlist

Research shows that listening to soothing music can lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety.  Music provides a distraction and invites calming emotions.  It is a great aid to help induce a meditating state by preventing your mind from wandering.  Start incorporating music into your busy life by playing CD's in the car, stream soft classical music from Pandora while at work or play your favorite iTunes music while you soak in the bathtub.

2. Reduce Caffeine & Sugar

The temporary adrenaline rush caffeine and sugar provide often end with a crash in both your mood and energy. Reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, will make you feel more relaxed and you’ll sleep better. Getting a full nights sleep is the best way to fuel your mind, as well as your body.  Feeling tired increases stress because it often impairs our judgement.  

3. Be Thankful

Keep a journal of gratitude.  Journaling reduces stress due to its meditative and reflective effects.  Making a daily list of what we are thankful for can really put your life, worries, stresses into perspective.  You don’t need to write a novel, just jot down a few of your daily events, your feelings, and what you are thankful for.  Documenting life events and feelings can also provide a way for you to reflect on events and gain a new perspective while you are in a calmer state of mind. Reading through journals of your past months and years can show you how much you’ve grown as an individual.

4. Go Outside

Sometimes simply walking through nature and smelling the fresh air can help put your mind at ease and give your brain a break.  Whether it’s walking, running, or sitting on a blanket in the grass; studies show that time outdoors can:
  • Spur Creativity 
  • Increase Concentration Levels 
  • Increases Vitamin D Levels  

Vitamin D improves seasonal depression, anxiety, boosts your immunity, is critical to bone health, and heart health.  The healthier your bodies, the less likely you will experience negative stress.

5. Get a Massage

Massage is more than an occasional luxury. Getting a massage on a monthly basis:  
  •  Alleviate physical strain and pain
  • Improves your mood
  • Increases circulation
  • Reduces stress related pain such as headaches and muscle tension

Once your stress level is reduced, you can reclaim the energy you once enjoyed, and experience a refreshed body and mind.

Don’t Worry…  Stress Can Be Good!

Stress is your body's reaction to harmful situations whether real or imagined.  When you feel threatened, your body produces a chemical reaction that allows you react and protect yourself.

 Not all stress is bad. In small doses, stress can help you accomplish tasks and protect you from injury. For example, stress is what makes you to slam on the brakes to avoid getting into a car accident. That's a good thing!  

The key is knowing what kind of stress you are feeling. 
  • Is your stress good or bad? 
  • Is it negatively affecting your everyday life and activities? 
  • Defining your stress helps you take action on how to get rid of it. 
It’s time to take charge of your life and tell stress to go away!

This holiday season give the gift of massage! Go online or call me to order your gift certificate.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Magical Wonders of Water!

Do you carry a bottle of water everywhere you go? If not, you should! In fact, most Americans prefer soft drinks over water, making water the second most popular beverage. Soft drinks contain sugar or aspartame which have been linked to health hazards such as obesity, stroke, and heart disease. However, these dangers can be avoided if you chose to drink water, which has no negative side effects or risks. Put that sugary stuff aside and fill up your water bottle and take a look at just a few of the endless benefits of water!

What Goes Out Has to Go Back In

60% of your body is made of water - so it’s important to make sure you are drinking as much water as you are releasing. Dehydration happens when water intake does not equal water output. In order to stay healthy, it’s important to replace fluids that you lose daily from skin evaporation, breathing, urine and stool. Sodas, juices, and energy drinks do not fully replace the fluids you lose daily like water does. When you properly replace body fluids with water, it helps transport nutrients within your body, regulates your body’s temperature, and helps digest your food.

Calorie Control

Numerous studies have found a connection between water consumption and losing a few pounds. Water simply helps you to 'feel full' resulting in less consumption leading to less calorie intake resulting in weight loss!

Goodbye Wrinkles and Pimples

There are toxins in your body that causes your skin to inflame which causes acne and clogged pores. Water can flush out toxins and reduce the risk of those pesky pimples. Also, dehydration can make your skin appear dry and wrinkled, so drinking water over sodas can help prevent wrinkles. Who would have thought water was the cure to wrinkles?

                                   I am filling up my water glass now…

Improved Kidney Function

The main toxin in your body is blood urea nitrogen, a water-soluble waste that passes through your kidneys and excreted in urine. Help your kidneys do their job of ridding this toxin along with others by making sure your water intake is sufficient. You will know it’s working if your urine is free flowing, light in color, and free of odor.

As an extra warning, dehydration can also cause kidney stones, especially in the summer time.  

How much water should you drink? Studies suggest adults need 9 to 16 cups of water a day but this number varies depending on your activity level, age, and your food intake of veggies and fruits. Here’s the best way to ensure you stay hydrated and get the water you need daily: drink a glass as soon as you wake up and a glass thirty minutes before each meal. Get in the habit of keeping a bottle of water on hand at all times. 

             If the taste of water bores you, try a squeeze of citrus or lemon.

Related Articles:
Ever Wonder Why You Sweat?
What Exercise is Best for You?
What is Your Body Trying to Tell You?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chronic Pain? Try a Massage

Nearly 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. The National Institutes of Health refers to chronic pain as being a ‘silent epidemic’. The medical community focuses on treating chronic pain with prescription drugs. Medications can provide some relief however, you can also find relief using natural methods practiced with Anma massage.

Anma massage releases serotonin, which is the body’s natural production of pain relief chemicals. Getting a massage on a regular basis helps reduce pain and will greatly increase your quality of life. Here are some common chronic pain issues that most Americans suffer from and how massage can help:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What the Heck is an Anma?

Massages are known for promoting relaxation and improving one’s overall well-being. There are several methods of massage; all having great benefits for your body.

Over the past decade massage therapy has become increasingly popular in our society. I have seen the rise of several studios such as mine along with big chain studios. There is also a misconception that massage is a luxury. You may be surprised by the history and popularity of massage that dates back to 710 CE. For the first thousand years massage was considered a form of medicine not a luxury.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Essence of Essential Oils

Essential Oils contain the “essence of” the fragrance and characteristics of the plant from which it comes from. Popular uses for essential oils is in aromatherapy where the oils are diffused in the air, burned as incense, or used in massage. There seems to be an essential oil that can fulfill almost any need emotionally or physically.

I have several clients that suffer chronic allergy problems and migraines. I recommend a few essential oils and demonstrate how to apply the oils to help them get some relief.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Is Running Helping or Hurting You?

Running has numerous health benefits including prevention of high blood pressure, strengthens your immune system, and relieves stress.  However, we often don’t realize how delicate our body really is. Just like any exercise, if not done with knowledge and proper care it can cause injury instead of benefit. Here are a couple issues to be aware of when running:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Ever Wonder Why You Sweat?

Did you know that we have over 5 million sweat glands all over our body? We sweat for many different reasons such as anxiety, stress, physical activity, and illness. Anything that can cause a rise in your adrenaline can impact perspiration. Whether you are eating spicy foods or accidentally walked into a sliding glass door, your body is going to naturally react.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

What’s the Difference between Hot and Cold

Pain is often treated by using hot or cold packs. I am asked all the time, which one is better for sore muscles or pain. Typically cold is used for acute pain on areas that are swollen. Heat is typically used for chronic pain and old injuries.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

How Colors Impact Our Emotions

There are three types of colors, warm, cool and neutral. Each of these types of colors impact our emotions and how we feel. Colors can fuel certain feelings such as happy, sad, depressed, angry, etc. Types of colors can also have a physical impact on our body’s as well creating feelings of hunger, tired or anxious. Understanding how colors impact your world can help you when you need to relax or change your mood.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Are You Counting Your Hormones?

Hormones basically direct our body’s responses. Hormones control how we respond to food, stress, fear, etc. Hormones are the culprit that drive our food cravings, bloating, weight gain, mood swings and bad hair days.

Hormones impacts your weight because of the role it plays in controlling your metabolism.Hormones control our hunger, energy and cravings (HEC). A hormone imbalance impacts the feeling of being full.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

What Exercise is Best for You?

Every day you hear pro’s and con’s of various types of workouts. Designing a fitness plan that works for you and does not put you at risk for injury is important when you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Remember when you were a kid and running, jumping and rolling around was just second nature? As we get older, physical activity becomes something that we know is important but sometimes we tend try and fit it into our schedule and easily find an excuse to skip it.

Developing a fitness plan should include some aerobic activity, strength training and improve your balance.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

No Bones About It, You Need Vitamin D

You may take calcium supplements or naturally have a diet that is rich with calcium. However, if you are not taking in enough vitamin D, your body is not getting the calcium it needs. You must have vitamin D in order for your body to absorb the calcium and promote bone growth. Not getting enough vitamin D for kids results in soft and fragile bones. For adults lack of vitamin D contributes to osteoporosis or osteomalacia.

Friday, July 3, 2015

How to Relieve Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Insomnia

If you are feeling tired and suffer from chronic pain, you may not be getting enough magnesium. When you do not have enough magnesium in your system, your muscles will stay in a constant state of contraction causing pain and fatigue. Magnesium is one of six essential minerals and comprises 99% of the mineral content in your body.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Why Laughter is Good for the Mind, Body and Soul

Laughter is a great way to relieve stress, but laughter also impacts our health and benefits us socially. Learning to laugh and look at life from a positive perspective helps attract positive people into your life. It also allows you to view problems from a different perspective and helps reduce your stress levels. When you can laugh, you can learn to be more spontaneous and release your inhibitions.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

What is Your Body Trying to Tell You?

Our bodies try to communicate with us in various ways. If something is out of balance, we may not be cognitively aware. Learning how to listen to your body will help you catch serious illnesses early.

I’m Shrinking

Believe it or not, it is important to measure your height and keep up with any changes. We stop growing in our late teens and early twenties, but it is possible to start shrinking in our later years. Shrinking can be a sign of Osteoporosis. The sooner you change your diet to include more calcium, get outside for vitamin D and start on an exercise routine the better.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why High Heels Will Make You a Life Long Client

High heels are great for giving your legs a little extra definition and add a little more sass to your overall look. Did you know that with each new pair of sexy heels you buy, there are long lasting medical consequences? Some of your chronic pain could be attributed to your choice in shoes.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Is Massage a Luxury or a Necessity?

There is a difference between getting a massage and going to a spa. Massage has gained a reputation and has been built up as a luxury that is afforded by the few or something that you save up for. Since spas have branded massage as a luxurious experience, a lot of people stay away from it and do not realize they are missing out on the health benefits that bodywork massage provides. Consider the cost savings if you do not have to go to the doctor as often and even possibly take fewer medications.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How Pets Help Us Relieve Stress

Pets are an important part of our lives. Growing up, how many of you confided all of your problems to the family dog? Let’s face it, you can tell your dog or cat anything and they are not going to judge you, they love you no matter what you do. Pets are more than just animals that live in your home, feed them and take them to the vet. Pets often become integral members of our family. Pets are more than just companions they are also great for helping us manage stress.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

How to Trick Your Body into Relaxing

As a massage therapist I have learned a lot about the body and how our muscles handle stress. I have also learned several ways on how to trick your body into relaxing. We all have moments of stress or experience some type of pain. As much as you would like to drop everything and run to the massage therapist, that’s not always very practical. Here are a few tips to help you relax between your massage therapy appointments. 

Deep Breaths 
If you are in a situation that is stressful and you can feel the panic setting in try taking a moment to just breathe. Slowly inhale and slowly exhale in deep breaths. This will trick your body into relaxing. Practicing regular breathing exercises helps to keep us calm and is good for our hearts and digestion. 

Beat Yourself Up 
If you need to relax your neck and shoulders beating yourself up helps. I use a 24” bamboo stick and bounce it up and down on my shoulders. Don’t beat yourself up too much, just tap your shoulders. Basically, when you tap on your shoulders you are increasing your circulation. Bringing the circulation to your skin helps relax your muscles.  

Roll Around on the Floor 
For my clients that carry stress in their back and shoulder blades, I often recommend that they get a pinky ball and place it on the floor. Lay down on the pinky ball making sure it is placed between your shoulder blades and backbone. Then just roll back and forth for a few minutes. This will help relax your upper back and shoulders. If you don’t want to lay down on the floor you can also do the same technique against a wall. 

For my clients that are on their feet all day I recommend the put the pinky ball under their feet and roll the ball around. This helps to relax the feet. 

Essential Oils 
Lavender is the essential oil that brings relaxation and balance into your life. Keep a vial of lavender at home, at your office and in your purse or brief case. 

Tell Charlie Goodbye 
Some of my clients suffer from charlie horses. The second you feel the pain, pinch your upper lip just underneath your nose and the pain will go away. Charlie horses occur because of a variety of reasons. One of those reasons may be dehydration. Try drinking more water. 

Our bodies have a lot of pressure points that help alleviate pain. In my studies as a massage therapist and eastern bodywork I have learned a lot about helping my clients relax between massages. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Are You Visiting Your Massage Therapist Too Often?

My clients often ask me how often they should get a massage. They are often surprised by my answer. I practice therapeutic massage, that means my goal is for clients to get healthy and not come back. Bodywork and massage helps heal those that suffer from chronic pain.   

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Surprise! Surprise!

When I was attending massage therapy school, the instructors and my mentor counseled me on what to expect once I started practicing. They were able to explain to me what type of clients I would attract and how to assess different personality types. I am surprised to learn, over the years is that we are all connected by a spiritual energy that helps guide us to certain kinds of people. I had my doubts but the instructors and my mentor was right in their counseling.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Mom’s Really Want

Our relationship with our mom is one of the most special relationships in our lives. As a child, mom bathed you, wiped your tears, helped with your homework, washed your clothes, listened to your stories, played tooth fairy and cheered for you. As you become an adult, mom is still the one that wipes our tears, listens to your stories, cheers for you and for some, still washes your clothes.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

How Does A Massage Therapist Handle the Yucky Stuff?

As a massage therapist, I am frequently asked how I handle people that are overweight, don’t shave or may have yucky feet. The answer is simple, I don’t notice. In massage therapy school, the students start practicing on each other from day one. A massage therapist focus is learning the muscles and tendons and how to identify the ailments and fix them.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to Knock Out the Knots

Do you know what is happening when you tense up too much? Your neck, back and shoulders are trying to tell you something when those tiny painful nodules form. Those that are most at risk are those that overuse their muscles or have a sedentary lifestyle. There are treatments and prevention options for those of you that suffer from chronic pain caused by knots. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to Relieve Sore Muscles After a Massage

I am often asked why people tend to feel sore a day or two after a massage. Sometimes you will feel sore because getting a massage is similar to exercising. If you haven’t worked out in a while, you will be sore the next day. The same goes for getting a massage. During a massage, the massage therapist is working on muscles that are not use to working out.

Massage also releases toxins from your muscles. Releasing these toxins relieve your muscles but can also leave them sore. Some soreness is normal, your muscles just need some time to recover.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How Essential Oils Help the Mind, Body and Spirit

Essential Oils impact our moods and emotions. That is why they are an important tool for massage therapists since each oil possess its own healing power. Essential oils are considered the soul of the plants and we absorb their properties through respiratory or the skin. How do you determine which essential oil can help you?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What’s Your Relationship Status with Your Massage Therapist?

A good massage therapist understands the importance of technical skill and personal skills. Understanding people and being in tune with their emotional states is just as important as understanding their physical pain. There are several factors that go into taking care of clients both emotionally and physically.

Why Aren't Your Hands Tired?

I love what I do. My favorite part about being a massage therapist is working with special clients and helping them feel better. I very easily can spend up to 8 hours a day working out knots, kinks, aches and pains. My clients tell me all the time, “Your hands have to be so tired at the end of the day”. My response is to tell them that I have no aches or pains. I know that sounds unbelievable but proper massage therapy techniques not only help alleviate client’s pain, the techniques also protect the massage therapist.