Thursday, July 16, 2015

No Bones About It, You Need Vitamin D

You may take calcium supplements or naturally have a diet that is rich with calcium. However, if you are not taking in enough vitamin D, your body is not getting the calcium it needs. You must have vitamin D in order for your body to absorb the calcium and promote bone growth. Not getting enough vitamin D for kids results in soft and fragile bones. For adults lack of vitamin D contributes to osteoporosis or osteomalacia.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Studies show that people with higher levels of vitamin D are at lower risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, depression and heart disease. Research suggests that Vitamin D helps fight certain diseases and illnesses: 

How Do You Get It?

Your body naturally produces vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. I’m not telling you to run out and bake in the sun for the day and risk skin cancer. You only need 10 minutes of sun per day in order to produce enough vitamin D.

If you work indoors and spend most of your day in the office you may want to consider taking a supplement or making sure you are eating foods that provide you with a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Some foods that contain vitamin D are: 
  • Salmon
  • Egg yolks
  • Shrimp
  • Yogurt (fortified)
  • Orange Juice (fortified)

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is important if you want to maintain good bone health. Don’t hesitate to take a mid-afternoon walk. It’s good to get outside, get your heart pumping and take in some sunlight to clear your head and keep your bones strong.

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