Thursday, May 21, 2015

How Pets Help Us Relieve Stress

Pets are an important part of our lives. Growing up, how many of you confided all of your problems to the family dog? Let’s face it, you can tell your dog or cat anything and they are not going to judge you, they love you no matter what you do. Pets are more than just animals that live in your home, feed them and take them to the vet. Pets often become integral members of our family. Pets are more than just companions they are also great for helping us manage stress.

Chemical Reaction

You may love your dog, but do wonder how much your dog loves you? One of the many appealing traits that we adore about our dogs is their unconditional loyalty. Every time your dog sees you, Fido has a chemical reaction that is the same as when you fall in love.
How do you chemically react to Fido and Fluffy? Studies have shown that when we pet our dogs or cats, our bodies release a stress reducing hormone called Oxytocin and decreases the production of the stress hormone called Cortisol.

Welcomed Distraction

In general the act of caring for an animal reduces our stress levels. The act of taking care of a pet is a distraction from whatever is bothering us. The unconditional love that we receive from our pets is a great calming agent and helps relieve anxiety.
Simply petting your dog or cat is a great way to relax. The repetitive motion and receiving their praise for giving them attention while they cuddle next to you reduces blood pressure. The University of Buffalo researched people with high blood pressure that owned pets versus those that did not own pets and how the pets influenced their blood pressure. The study showed that during stressful situations, the participants that owned pets were able to maintain lower blood pressure rates than those that did not own a pet.

Healthier Lifestyle

The benefits of lowering your anxiety and stress are leading a healthier lifestyle. Pet owners are less likely to suffer from anxiety health related issues. According to the “Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology” cat owners have a reduced chance of dying from heart disease or a stroke. 
Dog owners tend to be more active and have the excuse to spend time outside with their dogs. Walking your dog allows for both physical and social opportunities. Ever notice how many people in your neighborhood know your dog’s name but not yours? Walking your dog is a great way to meet neighbors and engage in light hearted conversation.
We all need to give and receive love. Our pets take care of us just as much as we take care of them.   

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