Thursday, February 11, 2016

How Massage Helps You Lose Weight

As I scroll through social media, over half the posts I often see are about weight loss products. Weight loss is more than just appetite suppression. Establishing a life style change that includes making healthier daily choices with what you eat, how active you are, and consistency with your choices is the best way to get and stay fit.

Did you know massage can help promote weight loss? Massage therapy may not be the first weight loss aid that pops into your head but I can assure you, it absolutely can help! Massage is the manual stimulation of tissues, muscles, and circulation of a body. With massage, you can:
     Increase circulation
     Flush out toxins
     Relieve stress and anxiety
     Stimulate bowels and intestines

All these work hand in hand resulting in weight loss.  Whether you are just starting your weight loss journey or you’ve lost your goal weight and you wish to maintain your new body, massage therapy can assist in your journey.

Increased Circulation

Massage improves your circulatory system by helping your blood flow through your body more smoothly.  When your circulation is flowing properly, your muscles receive nutrients they need to work better.  In turn, when your muscles are fully functioning due to proper circulation you will experience improved energy levels and exercise won’t result in dread and pain. After exercise, vital nutrients must be supplied to your muscles so they can recover and rebuild. Massage maximizes the supply of these nutrients and oxygen though increased blood flow, which helps the muscles to grow and burn more calories as a result.

Flush Out Toxins

Improving your circulatory system also helps flush out toxins within your body. Flushing out toxins is great for overall fat loss because many of the toxins that are flushed out are attributed to fat accumulation. Massage aids in the acceleration of removing the toxins by improving your circulatory system.

Stimulate Bowels

In a recent blog, I discussed how massage helps resolve digestive issues. If you experience digestive issues, you know that it unfortunately can sometimes induce weight gain because of bloating or impacted bowels.  The good news is that massage can help stimulate the small and large intestines and colon causing the waste inside of you, to release naturally.  Once you are able to empty your bowels, you may feel lighter and cleaner and it may even result in losing a few pounds.  The more regular your digestive system works, the more success you’ll have at weight loss.

Abdominal massage also brings the following benefits that all aid in weight loss:
     Increased Metabolism
     Increased Antioxidants
     Flush out and neutralize toxins
     Greater release of enzymes that break down food throughout the body
     Relaxes tension in the muscles surrounding the colon

Added Benefits of Massage

Massage therapy offers many health benefits in addition to aiding in weight loss such as:
     Lowers blood pressure
     Improves range of motion and flexibility
     Relaxes muscles

     Strengthens the immune system

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