Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why High Heels Will Make You a Life Long Client

High heels are great for giving your legs a little extra definition and add a little more sass to your overall look. Did you know that with each new pair of sexy heels you buy, there are long lasting medical consequences? Some of your chronic pain could be attributed to your choice in shoes.

Anatomy of High Heels

Wearing high heels throws off your natural center of gravity by pushing the spine and hips forward. The body has to readjust how it naturally balances in order to compensate for the unnatural position. Some women develop a condition known as sciatica which causes pain and numbness down in your back, hips and feet.

The spine has a natural S curve and acts as a natural shock absorber. High heels throw off the body’s natural form causing a strain to the muscles in your back often leading to chronic back pain. Wearing high heels every day changes your anatomy. Heels can cause your calf muscles to shrink and your knees to shift forward.

Carrying the Weight

When you wear high heels, the forefoot has to bear the weight. A one-inch heel means the ball of your feet carry 22% of your body weight, two-inch heels is 57% and with three-inch heel means your forefoot carries 76% of your body weight!

High heels that are three inches or higher can cause your achilles tendon to shrink. If you insist on wearing heels, try to keep them under two inches and only wear for a short period of time.


One in ten women wears high heels at least three times per week. One-third of high heel wearers admits to falling down while wearing high heels. Wearing high heels can also lead to overworking your leg muscles leading to injury and chronic pain.


You don’t have to give up your high heels. It is best that if you wear them try to stay under two inches. When you are at the office, keep a pair of flats at work and alternate throughout the day. Stretch your calf muscles before and after wearing your killer heels. Visit a massage therapist to make sure your body stays healthy.

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